Today I was reading to Ella about Polar Bears and the book said that they can live to be 40. Now why would an animal want to live 40 years on this earth ( not that they have a 'choice') ?? But sometimes the only thing that keeps me going here on earth is that I remember it's really only a blink of an eye. Also that we have purpose to love and serve God best we can. What does a polar bear do, does it look back on it's life and feel accomplished. no. poor guy.
His Mercies Are New Every Morning
We have something exciting to share with you. Nate was a big brother for about 1 week! I had a hunch over Thanksgiving.... and took a test to see, on our sweet Nathaniel's 9 month birthday, November 29th, and 4 weeks since he left us. It was POSITIVE!! We then went to get an ultrasound on the 20th of December. We saw our sweet new baby and heard a heartbeat. We are very excited, sad that Nathaniel wont be sharing this joy with us, and trying not to be scared at the realization of how quickly life can change so fresh in our mind.Nate will never be forgotten and holds such a special place in our hearts. Please pray for us on this journey.
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