
Showing posts from October, 2012
Today I was reading to Ella about Polar Bears and the book said that they can live to be 40. Now why would an animal want to live 40 years on this earth  ( not that they have a 'choice') ?? But sometimes the only thing that keeps me going here on earth is that I remember it's really only a blink of an eye. Also that we have purpose to love and serve God best we can. What does a polar bear do, does it look back on it's life and feel accomplished. no. poor guy.

Parenting is hard

Right now the kids are asleep. There is something about a sleeping baby/child that melts away all the  grievances  of the day. This has been a hard one. My sweetie has pushed me to my limit. Pretty much all that could go wrong did. I had a horrible attitude. That is something I  really need to work on. Maybe that is why God did a wonderful job making it very evident in my life today. I can say more than once today I was thankful that my kids are young enough to not remember this day and the ways I treated them and lost my temper. I am not proud at all of the mom I was today. I need help. I recently memorized a Bible verse from Ephesians.  ' I urge you to live a life worthy  of the calling  you have received.   Be completely humble and gentle ; be patient , bearing with one another  in love .   Make every effort to keep the unity  of the Spirit through the bond of peace.' Ephesians 4:1-3 Those words in bold... ya I was was...