Bible Reading

Well... I did read the Purpose Driven Life a bit longer than I wrote about... but I didn't do such a good job in finishing it.
I then moved on to Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. That was a great inspiring book.

Books are nice, plenty of people have great and Biblically sound things to say, but I really wanted to dig into God's Word. I was sharing that desire with a good friend and mentor of mine and she suggested this Bible reading Program. It has been so cool!!! You read 10 chapters of the Bible a day. That may sound overwhelming at first, but really it only takes me about 25 min. I think the coolest thing about it is that you are reading 10 different books in the Bible..... which is neat because, a) it's amazing to see all the cross references and similar themes throughout the Bible and b) let's face it, some books just aren't as 'easy to read' as others, but one chapter is totally doable.

I have been pretty consistent at reading every morning when Ella goes down for her morning nap. I find that if I don't take the time first thing in the morning, other things easily distract me from my 'Quiet Time'.


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